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About the Caerdroia Labyrinth


The Caerdroia is a permanent Forest Labyrinth, created in the natural environment

with, and maintained by Golygfa Gwydyr, volunteers, and the local community.

The Caerdroia becomes a venue for various performances and activities all year

round, including the renowned Sensory Labyrinth Theatre Performances,

as well as having many other uses which are proposed and run by the community.


The first of its kind and only one in the Uk, the Gwydyr Forest Caerdroia was built

co-operatively between Theatre Cynefin, Golygfa Gwydyr, and local young people

in 2005, and at a mile long is the largest in the world.


More recently (2012), with the help of Voluntary Arts Wales, the community theatre group ‘Theatr Dan y Coed’ were established and have taken on the batton of coordinating and organising the Caerdroia Labyrinth Theatre events. The Caerdroia has hosted 9 professional sensory labyrinth performances to date, with athe 10th anniversary plans under way -


  • Caerdroia - July 2005 (Theatr Cynefin)

  • Heuldro Haf - June 2006 (Theatr Cynefin)

  • Heuldro Gaeaf - December 2006 (Theatr Cynefin)

  • Ysbrydnos - October 2007 (Theatr Cynefin)

  • Alban Hefin - June 2008 (Theatr Cynefin)

  • Eco Panto - April 2011 (Theatr Cynefin)

  • Conversations - December 2012 (Theatr Dan-y-Coed)

  • Mid Summer Murders - June 2013 (Theatr Dan-y-Coed)

  • FEAR - Oct / Nov 2014 (Theatr Dan-y-Coed)


Theatr Dan-y-Coed are continually planning their next activities including further sensory labyrinth theatre training. This training has traditionally been run under the auspices and guidance of Iwan Brioc, who’s idea it was to build the Forest Caerdroia in the first place, and who initially developed the concept of Sensory Labyrinth Theatre, but the group also run their own workshops, usually in preperation for an upcoming performance.


Iwan Brioc talks about the Caerdroia and Sensory Labyrinth Theatre - click here.


Please do get in touch via the form on the 'About us' page, if you are interested in being involved in any way, be it performing or otherwise.



The Caerdroia Forest Site is also used for our accredited environmental training programs, volunteer initiatives (Duke of Edinburgh Award, Millennium Volunteers), social inclusion projects (Touchstone 12 Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center, Making Tracks Youth Initiative, Conwy Alternative Education), family events (Fairy Tale Picnic, Forest Family Fun Day), and for holistic health and well being projects (Soulskin, Mindfulness Meditation).


Projects on site include the building and maintenance of the labyrinth pathway, art, sculpture and poetry installations, the renovation of the well and plum orchard which supplied Pen Y Parc Farm prior to the 1950s, the construction of two timber framed eco-compost toilets, the construction of the Soulskin tepee from on-site timber, woodland skills including dead hedging and the plantation of native tree saplings grown from locally gathered seed.


If you are interested in in any of the above community engagement activities then you can contact Golygfa Gwydyr directly via their website, contact details therein.


Golygfa Gwydyr’s Caerdroia won Best Cultural Activity at the ConwyPride of Community Awards 2010.

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